Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Virtual World and Our Life

First of all I want you to ask yourself these questions

1. How many hours a day do you spend in front of your computer or internet ?

2. What do you think your life is going to be if there is no computer or internet ?

As you all would probably have noticed the questions deal with computer and internet use. And these questions are related to my theme today, which is “Virtual World and Our Life”. What I meant by Virtual world here is Internet in the smaller meaning or Computer in the larger meaning.

When the first age computers were made in late 30’s or early 40’s, they were meant to help people to compute or to count difficult math problems. That is why they call this machine “compute-er” in the first place. And when it works people just love it, because people can do less work to solve more problems.

Then people start to think “how do we make this machine more efficient, and smarter”. And before we know it this-- so called computer-- machine is influencing much more parts of people’s lifes, and start to become indispensable (cannot be replaced) thing in our life . Not only it is capable of solving math problems, but it can also sing, can keep your photos, or it can even be your library.

In the mid 90’s, the World Wide Web (or we can just call it Internet) was introduced to the world. Later on this Internet thing went on to make huge changes in people’s life. Using internet, we can communicate and get and also give information to almost all over the world, by just sitting in front of our computer.

Internet community is getting bigger and bigger, and maybe almost as big as the real world. But unlike the real world, it does not physically exist. That is why people call it Virtual world.

Nowadays, Computer and Internet has been one of indispensable things in our life. We get a lot of advantages from them. But on the other hand, there is a big problem. Computer is no longer just machine that people use and control to solve problems anymore. Computer is becoming the problem it self. Or even worse.. computer is starting to control and use Human to solve its problems.

We can see now, millions of people are addicted to the virtual world and hate the real world. Hundred Thousands of children spend much more times in front of their computer then outside playing with their friends. Thousands of programmers cannot sleep well just to solve bugs in the software that was made by other programmers who also were not able to sleep. And the ironic thing is that the software maybe is not that important.

So to sum it up, what I want to say is, nowadays people are forgetting that computer was made to solve Human Problems not the other way around. That the virtual world is “nothing” compare to the real world.

By the way, last night I spent 12 hours in front of my computer.

was made for English Class's Report
Edited by Senpai


Unknown said...

It's true that i spent much more than 12 hours in front of my computer. But like i said "LAST NIGHT" .. and NIGHT is only stands for about 12 Hours right..?

Anonymous said...

betsu ni iin jyanai nanjikan tsugoshitemo..
soshite -That the virtual world is “nothing” compare to the real world. - まあまあ現実の世界でも“nothing”になる行動ってたくさんあるんだと思う。問題はその“nothing”が“nothing”にならないように私たちががんばらなきゃいけないんじゃない。virtual worldで行動して現実の世界で行動するよりも"something"を生み出すようなこともできるだと思う

Unknown said...

sodane... InsyaAllah sih kalo orang kayak mas Zain yang tau dia sedang menggunakan virtual world untuk sesuatu sih gak papa. Tapi seperti tulisanku.. banyak yang kayaknya lupa tujuan mereka ada di virtual world itu.. ada bahkan yang menganggap virtual world itu tujuan.